This is my contact me informations
Contact me only if you need my help. If you like any of the photos and would like an exif to the photo. I’ll be happy to send it to you by email or via the blog publicly. First and foremost I am a photographer, secondly I have been working with html and xhtml in my spare time for 25 years.
If you need help with a wordpress template, don’t hesitate. I have 25 years of experience with html, WCAG 2.1 standards, W3C html/xhtml standards and section 508. I check for web elements that exhibit browser-specific behaviour or trigger browser errors. I control search engine guideline violations and sites that do not follow search engine optimization best practices. I optimize website speeds, through WP-Optimize and WP Rocket. Read my blog. The blog is in Slovak language, but google will translate everything you need.
I am Pavol Knut Navratil and I am a photographer and web analytics. If you have a problem on the site, feel free to contact me. Private message me on social network or via skype. In any case, I also have WhatsApp.
Contact email me(at)photoknut.eu